Welcome to the fastest and most organized way to use ChatGPT and other generative AI tools.
PromptZILLA! works brilliantly on Desktop and Mobile, giving you 1-Click access to our Fact Checker, Originality Checker and Proofreader, right inside the app.
Choose from 1000+ (and counting) of the best prompt templates to get pro results from ChatGPT and any other text-based AI tool.
Ask any kind of question to rapidly generate easily editable ChatGPT prompts and content.
Ask any kind of question to rapidly generate easily editable ChatGPT prompts.
Just Tap Tap Tap to tailor your prompt for your specific Audience, Tone, Structure, Key Words and more.
Upgrade your content, enhance vocabulary, change tone, or make it feel even more human.
Click to send your generated content to publish on blog platforms like Substack, Wordpress, Medium, Blogger and more.
COMING SOON: Connect PromptZILLA! directly to your ChatGPT account so you can automatically save prompts and results, and say "Good-Bye 👋" to Copy/Paste.
"...it's a Prompt Engineer's best friend 💘"
Every signle day, we research, test and engineer the most optimized AI workflows into PromptZILLA! so you can just login and punch out quality work in minutes.
PromptZilla Ask a Question feature rapidly provides quick editable prompts
Simply choose from our growing list of prompt types to edit
Find one you like and tap it to edit, make your edits and ask AI
You can even use PromptZilla to ask AI to proofread your work
PromptZilla works brilliantly on Desktop, where you have 1 click access to Fact Checkers, Originality Checker and Proofreaders, right inside the app.
Choose from 1000+ of the best prompt examples to edit / copy + paste into Chat GPT or any other text based AI
Your personal profile page allows you to save both your prompts and the AI responses to your profile for later retrieval.
Send as Draft to Blog
You can easily send your work to Wordpress, Blogger or any blog platform which offers a secret email to post feature.
1 Click Prompt Copy to AI
In Version 1 of Promptzilla, you have a magic button that appears after entering keywords and other parameters. When you click theis button it will both copy your prompt and take you to Chat GPT. When you are there, just CMD+V or paste. When AI acknowledges that it understands your instructions in its first reply, simply type: Continue
After asking the AI to continue, it will proceed to respond with the article, blog, research topic, etc. that you requested.
NOTE: Version 2 [4-23] will have AI responses within the app, eliminating even more clicks from your workflow.
Save Prompts & Responses
What fun is discovering all sorts of new information if you can't store it, share it and later completely forget about it? PromptZilla makes it easy to edit, clone and reuse your previous prompts, save lists and articles for quick retrieval.
PromptZilla Prompt Builder makes it super simple to engineer custom prompts.
Choose a Document Starter and Topic to begin generating your prompt.
Tap Tap Tap to add instructions for Audience, Tone, Structure, and more.
After adding keywords, click to copy prompt and paste inside AI.